Sunday 19 September 2010

K2 - "Why do we like to hurt so much?"

I know that title seems either philosophical, or just plain emo, but it's playing on my mind at the moment. From the Paramore song 'That's what you Get', the line is a good question.
How come when we know a certain subject, or person, or whatever is bad for us, or puts us in a bad place emotionally-
Why do we want to talk about it all the time?!

In this case, it's a subject of conversation that puts all who are involved in a fairly vulnerable/hurting sort of mood. It makes me say things I don't want to say, and not see things from the most diplomatic perspective and therefore don't have the same lucid judgement.

I think, for the sake of anonymity, I'll code this subject (that won't be explained in any detail) as 'K2'. The name I get from the rather large and incredibly dangerous mountain on the border of China and Pakistan(also seen in the movie Vertical Limit). Not that I am naming this subject as an impossible or fatal thing, because it's not...just difficult.

But, "What are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become a plain; and he will bring forth the top stone with shouts of "Grace, grace to it!"'"-

When God gets involved in this, this seemingly dangerous mountain (a massive challenge) will be flattened before the one who faces it.

Obviously, when we stand in front of K2, composure isn't first on the agenda. We panic, and our immediate reactions are not necessarily (and rarely are) the correct response.We seem comfortable in our own misery in some sick massochistic way.

K2's can do so much damage, taking up so much room in our lives. More so than the invisible giant blue elephant in the room, that no one talks about but are ALL aware of.

In all honesty, I don't know where I'm going with this. It's all a blur of emotion at the moment. It's in His hands now.
Thank God it's not a case of IF, but the question is when and how will K2 come crumbling down?

to be continued...

Friday 10 September 2010

Inaugural Post

Well, I tried having a blog back in my Bebo days. Seeing as one can't fully rely on one particular social network site (As much as I am on Facebook these days as my site of choice) I thought I'd go outside. So here I am, post-DC, pre-decent job.

Here's to a new blog and new chapter of life.