Wednesday 30 March 2011

Taken for a ride

Ever feel like you just been made a fool of?

Silly question really, coz we have all felt that at one time or another. Luckily for me in this situation, I found out before I actually lost out on anything.

I was applying for jobs online (through legitimate job websites) and i applied for a web design job that was aimed at both experienced and inexperienced people with aim to training. I applied. A week later I receive a phone call from a rather posh Englishman who seemed to be very interested in my employment status. He was very pleasant and interested in what I had to say.

He asks me if I would be interested in an online telephone interview 2 days later. Of course I accepted, feeling rather headhunted and important.

The night before I expected the call, my dad informs me through his research into the company name, it's been rumoured to be a scam?!

I have a browse through such forum threads by people who had had the exact same experience as me (all looking for a job). If I am just another desperate person in their scam, they're just about to ask me for £79 each month to be trained.

Have a look for yourselves: &

After what I read, I have to say to you all: stay away from this program! Avoid contact and certainly DO NOT give them any bank details!

Friday 18 March 2011

Job Hunt

I'm currently on the hunt for the perfect job (for the time being). I know that God will provide a job that will be exactly what I need to be doing in this season of life, but I don't know where that is. It's funny, I call it the perfect job, yet employers are looking through hundreds of people to find the perfect applicant.

It's times like this when I remember that I am the righteousness of God through Christ, being an heir of God and fellow-heir with Christ. This all means favour from God that I should be expecting.
I'm not gonna lie, it's difficult. How, I may ask, can I be favoured as a so far unsuccessful applicant? This is where real faith needs to come in. I see the end of myself and my abilities in this search, therefore I look to God.
Not that He does ALL the work for me, but that He guides the search in a more fruitful direction. This way I don't have to look harder, just smarter.
God gave me a brain, I must use it to its full potential.

As Deborah Ong says "God put your brain on top of your body. Be smart! Don't be stupid!."

Monday 14 March 2011

Iain's Insomniac Imaginarium

I know that title sounds...well interesting, but really it's all my head is coming out with at this time of night. Serves me right!

It's 2.45am and I am at my most productive stage of the day. Bizarre eh?
Albeit, I did only wake up at 12pm but I am still awake at Silly o'clock (which my my new definition is just over an hour away from Stupid o'clock).
I remain positive about this though, since arriving home at 1am, which didn't help matters, I have applied for 2 jobs and had an audible "gander" at Ellie Goulding's album on Spotify. Which is not too bad, seems like a grower to me in comparison to my sudden great interest in Tinie Tempah and Frankmusik.

While I'm on a reviewing streak, today I began the glorious 177mins of The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus, Heath Ledger's actual swansong film. I'll admit that the only thing attracting me to it was curiosity of how they covered up his demise with 3 re-casts (Johnny Depp, Jude Law & Colin Farrell). Yet strangley it was a good watch. The storyline is not the strongest, but it makes up for it in visuals and imagination, funnily enough. My dreams are gonna be fun whenever I decide to actually sleep. A bit like a certain Sam Gallagher, look up his blog for more.

Anyway, I'll now make the foot and a half journey to my bed.
This is an odd way of looking at the Psalm when it says
"pain may last through the night, but joy comes in the morning".

Wednesday 23 February 2011


Ever feel torn between the ones you love and what you believe in?

Recently I found myself being put into a "folder" which lumped me with some people I'd rather not be associated with. I am able to 'redeem myself' from this position if I want (which I do), but I'll have no choice but to isolate someone in the process.
I do not want to conform to what looks like someone's childish games, but I'm being forced to choose.

Obviously, I don't understand each person's viewpoint, coz I'm not in there company that often. I'll have to sleep on this one.

Sunday 30 January 2011

Love Never Fails!

This post may get a bit repetitive. If it does, I apologise now, yet I'm not sorry for it at all. Don't you just love ambiguity? :P
Also, anyone who has been around me today, or has been on my Facebook page will be seeing a pattern in my thoughts.

I have had a song in my head for the past day or two and I love it: Jesus Culture's rendition of Your Love Never Fails. Obviously the music side of it is pretty sweet and easy to rock out to but the lyrics have just kept on reminding me today that God’s love will in fact never fail!
As the well-known 1 Corinthians 13 lists the qualities of love, and since God is love...need I say more?

...of course I do.

He loves us all. Unconditionally. His motive for everything in our lives is his love for us. He “causes all things to work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose”.

His ways are not our ways and we don’t always, in fact we rarely understand how and why He does certain things in life. Thankfully when it seems like He’s not paying attention or that He’s not talking to you, I believe it’s because He’s working on something in/through you. Come on, He never sleeps, He’s gonna be doing something!

He knows how to reach that part of our hearts we didn’t think anyone knew about, and is more than capable of mending the broken parts.

Do me a favour: find the song online and really think about what’s being said.


Saturday 8 January 2011

Welcome to 2011!

Well here’s to a Happy New Year to one and all!

This is the one that’ll change my life for the rest of its duration. I’m getting married this year!

My family is having an amazing new addition and I can’t wait to be a part of hers either.

There's so much more I want to say right now, but I can't get the words right so,

Watch this space.


Sunday 24 October 2010

Something I Realised

While driving home tonight, I was listening to some music. A certain album that reminded me of a certain/specific time last year when I had previously listened to it a lot. It was about this time (October-December) when I did a lot of driving to and from Destiny College in the dark and in minus temperatures.

I know that does not sound like a great time, and I’d be lying if I said I enjoyed it all or didn’t have a bad attitude some of the time. Aside from my mood, listening to this particular album and driving when it’s seriously cold outside etc all took me back to that time quite vividly.

The memories I have of that time are a very mixed bag. Of course there are good and great ones from the festive season etc but something happened in December which somewhat tainted my memory.

This event I’m referring to will remain un-described along with everything and everyone else who I talk about on here: partly to protect the innocent, and partly because it’s not as “messy”.

As a result of this event, I found myself strangely stressed. Strange because I was in no way directly involved with it, yet I couldn’t stop thinking about it and who it did involve.

I did a lot of praying at the time, one time in particular in tears, for those involved. I can only praise and thank God that everything seems to have turned out well with those involved getting on with their lives. This album will probably always remind me of that time, despite being a superb album musically; it now has a sense of melancholic hindsight laced through it, of which I really can’t understand how I feel about.

The point of that description was not sympathy-seeking, but rather to lead to my next one:
Why is it sometimes so difficult to explain how you truly feel about a person/situation?

Songwriter/Keys player of Finnish band Nightwish explained to a documentary-maker that due to the melancholic nature of Finnish men, made worse by his own introverted personality, he wrote songs of meaning to people he knew without them knowing. He could tell someone how much he appreciated them, or just to take a run-and-jump away from him, and even if they hear the song, they are none the wiser. Some might say that that’s the coward’s way of expressing themselves, but let me ask: How many people in your life know how you truly feel about them?

In terms of the event I mentioned from last year, the people/person involved meant and means a great deal to me, and I now have the task of somehow, sometime letting them know how I felt at that time and how much I care(d) for them. I now feel the need to push past the Scottish ‘Crisis of Confidence’ and the British stoicism and awkwardness around real emotion, to get something off of my chest and hopefully encourage someone.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.”

The phrase ‘blessed to be a blessing’ comes to mind, and is clearly not just about money/time/help etc. We can bless someone by simply comforting them in their troubles because we ourselves have already been comforted.

Give what you have already received.