Friday 18 March 2011

Job Hunt

I'm currently on the hunt for the perfect job (for the time being). I know that God will provide a job that will be exactly what I need to be doing in this season of life, but I don't know where that is. It's funny, I call it the perfect job, yet employers are looking through hundreds of people to find the perfect applicant.

It's times like this when I remember that I am the righteousness of God through Christ, being an heir of God and fellow-heir with Christ. This all means favour from God that I should be expecting.
I'm not gonna lie, it's difficult. How, I may ask, can I be favoured as a so far unsuccessful applicant? This is where real faith needs to come in. I see the end of myself and my abilities in this search, therefore I look to God.
Not that He does ALL the work for me, but that He guides the search in a more fruitful direction. This way I don't have to look harder, just smarter.
God gave me a brain, I must use it to its full potential.

As Deborah Ong says "God put your brain on top of your body. Be smart! Don't be stupid!."

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