Wednesday 30 March 2011

Taken for a ride

Ever feel like you just been made a fool of?

Silly question really, coz we have all felt that at one time or another. Luckily for me in this situation, I found out before I actually lost out on anything.

I was applying for jobs online (through legitimate job websites) and i applied for a web design job that was aimed at both experienced and inexperienced people with aim to training. I applied. A week later I receive a phone call from a rather posh Englishman who seemed to be very interested in my employment status. He was very pleasant and interested in what I had to say.

He asks me if I would be interested in an online telephone interview 2 days later. Of course I accepted, feeling rather headhunted and important.

The night before I expected the call, my dad informs me through his research into the company name, it's been rumoured to be a scam?!

I have a browse through such forum threads by people who had had the exact same experience as me (all looking for a job). If I am just another desperate person in their scam, they're just about to ask me for £79 each month to be trained.

Have a look for yourselves: &

After what I read, I have to say to you all: stay away from this program! Avoid contact and certainly DO NOT give them any bank details!

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