Friday 8 October 2010

Well and truly Floored!

This title may seem like some drunken rambling, but it's far from it.
I must warn those who read on: you may need a bucket if you're at all emotionally nautious...

I am blessed. I am loved. I am favoured. I have been knocked off my chair!

Sometimes, God reveals things to you in the most direct, but unexpected ways. I have been blessed with someone on this earth who loves me more than I love myself. In 7 months she will be my wife, and I am in awe. I am dumbfounded by the fact that I am capable of giving such love that makes someone feel so special, but moreso that I am loved just as much back. No need to worry, I am not in denial of this fact, I'm just...floored!

This wouldn't be one of my blogs without a quote from someplace or another (I'm noticing a purely accidental pattern) from a Nightwish song: "All the poetry in the world finally makes sense to me"
Every love song/poem written now has some level of meaning to me (whether I like it or not).

I am convinced that everyone in the world must be made aware that this experience is real, and can be found. All you have to do is ask. If this is the way I feel being loved by someone with skin, I am even more stunned into almost silence (not completely apparently)about how much God must love me.

Romans 8 concludes with "For I am convinced that neither death, nor life... nor ANY OTHER CREATED THING will be able to seperate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus, our LORD" (and there's a much bigger list in there that I haven't mentioned).

As for us, and others with skin. If you are worried about where, when, how or if you will meet someone who will love you this much: ask God. I can't tell you IF you will, what I can is that it will be in God's timing, method and pace.

I see my relationship like a bottle of red wine: once it has been selected [person found], you acquire/buy it [get to know them], when you're convinced it's the right choice, you then open the bottle [date them] as the wine breathes, you appreciate and look forward to it [get engaged] and finally once it has breathed, you drink it [get married] and enjoy.

These steps cannot properly work if they are in the wrong order, or if they're rushed. But should be appreciated as they were intended.

There's so much more I could say, but I'll save it for another time.

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